Plain and simple - if you are going to see this for bad-ass Bruce Willis and the joy of things blowing up, you're gonna have fun. If you're like me, and you're going into it because Die Hard was a brilliant movie and the sequels were all good, then you're going to be seriously disappointed. I don't really get it, this whole movie starts with Willis going to rescue his son, and then he ends up in Chrenobyl with some cover up about the reactor, which isn't really explained, I dunno, I was completely lost. I didn't really enjoy the action scenes, were were far too big far too soon. It left me feeling let down by the climax. Bruce Willis's age is showing, too. That's not to say he's not fun in The Expendables or Red, which I LOVED him in. Go have fun, I guess. But if you respect the first Die Hard and have any respect for the series, rather than just pure enjoyment for the action, you're gonna be seriously disappointed.