When I see that Steve Carell and Steve Buscemi are going to play Vegas magicians competing against a new-age magician played by Jim Carrey, I can't help but get excited. I mean, what really could go wrong? It's Jim Carrey getting back to the physical comedy we all loved him for, and a great team up of clashing actor personalities that could only result in hilarity, right?
Wrong. What we got instead was a slew of unbelievably unlikable characters. Seriously, there isn't a single character to like. Steve Carell's character is written to be a jerk. Jim Carrey's is written to be condescending. Steve Buscemi is written to be the loyal friend, but he travels to a 3rd world country in the film and looks like a complete moron. I guess if there's one character to like, it's Olivia Wilde, but she's so uncomfortable to begin with that I still can't like her - especially when she has a romance with Carell's asshole character.
This movie is not funny. It's incredibly mean spirited. A dog is crushed and stuffed in the pants of someone. Jim Carey burns words into his arm. These are highlights of the movie. It's lowest common denominator humor, and even then I find it hard to believe that anyone really finds it funny, because it's really not. Its humor isn't humor, it's ridiculous things happening at ridiculous times for dumb reasons. The whole movie is inherently flawed from the idea that anyone would consider Jim Carrey a magician. Sure, I get it. It's parody. But he only does one thing that's really a magic trick in the movie. The rest, I just don't believe it would really conflict with Carell and Buscemi's magic act. Because no one would call it magic.
Add some awful music, bad puns, and revealing how magic tricks are performed, and you have a movie about magic that lacks any. All in all, forget it. As of now, it's the worst I've seen this year.
Rank - 0.5/5