Monday, July 2, 2012

People Like Us


You think this would be more melodramatic than it was. And don't get me wrong, it's pretty damn melodramatic. But it's a sweet story, with a lot of heart from its screenwriter and its actors. Elizabeth Banks is sweet, conflicted and loving, and plays her part incredibly well. Chris Pine does a phenomenal job of playing an extremely normal person - he really does shed his celebrity aura and lets us see him as a coworker, a friend, or just a person. The screenplay was surprisingly solid, with one or two great moral's being thrown in (my personal favorite: Most of the doors you'll come to in life will be closed, and to get in, you're gonna need an interesting knock). Those really help mix up what might have been a little bit cliche, but honest enough to let it slide. This movie is "inspired by true events". I don't know how close it was, but what I can say is that Elizabeth Banks and Chris Pine push through the obvious melodrama to make it honest. It is, however, ruined by two things.  One - a plot thread that just vanishes. And this plot thread is one that wouldn't just vanish (no spoilers here). Two - the music. Talk about forcing emotions down your throat...yikes. And the sad part is it was written by A. R. Rahman, the film composer who's responsible for Slumdog Millionaire and 127 Hours, to mention two of a very great many films. Still, go in and enjoy Bank's and Pine's great acting, and let the sap just kinda pass through.

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