Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Changeup


My least favorite movie of the summer. The plot is overdone in a terrible, terrible way, not even a fun way. The script is heavy handed and lazy. Both Bateman and Reynolds are incredibly unfunny, and not nearly different enough to draw out humor from switching bodies. And the humor...oh my god! This is the most insulting, disgusting "humor" I've seen. It's disturbing how the people in my theatre laughed. We're supposed to find a baby licking a power socket, sticking their fingers into blenders, and having milk dumped on two babies heads while in a sink because of nothing but frustration is funny. You know. Child abuse. FUNNY. Oh, and have you ever heard of a cancer list? Apparently, it's a list of the first 5 women you'd have sex with if you're wife died of cancer. That's supposed to be funny?! That's disgusting, horrifying, and because Reynolds is supposed to be every man's real desire to become, we look bad. This was disgusting. I can't recommend this film to anyone. No one. Don't waste your money, don't waste a free ticket, don't waste your time.

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