Thursday, January 19, 2012

Real Steel


God. What a stupid movie. And the worst part is it wasn't just stupid, it was boring as hell. I found myself feeling exhausted and wanting to doze off after the first hour. First of all, this film opens up in a completely ridiculous way - and ends in the most ridiculous way as well. After that wonderful start, the film that promises great robot boxing matches is thrown away to have daddy issues between a boring Hugh Jackman and an annoying son. Its filled with the worst of the worst fighting cliche's, but doesn't at least make up for them with great fighting like "Warrior" did earlier this year. Moreso, why are the robots humanoid? We have robot battles now. They don't punch each other, they chop each other to pieces...I'd much rather watch that! I also love how the movie fights to give emotional connection to this robot that clearly has no emotion and the worst smile somehow placed on his face. And I really love how we're supposed to cheer for a robot that's the underdog when they state clearly that he's "built to take hits..." So...we're cheering for a robot that's built to not go down? Well that's boring and a bit ridiculous of a concept to cheer for. There aren't nearly enough cool fights in this film. They keep the fights the same, a lot of punches that bore you, no exploration into weapon usage or fighting style. I also love the stupidity of this future. It's 16 years in the future (2027), and we have robots that fight. Yet the cars are exactly the same, clothing fashions are exactly the same, language and slang are exactly the same. "Oh but it's the NEAR future! It's only 16 years in the future!" I'm sorry, but think back to 1995 people. It was NOT like 2011. And what's worse...the dialogue in this movie. I SWEAR lines were either stolen from the big book of cliche's or they were copied and slightly altered from Rocky! Mostly from Rocky IV! REALLY?! We're ripping off Rocky IV!? I suppose if you like cliche's and dumb boxing movies you might enjoy this (bearing in mind you're supposed to cheer for a clearly emotionless robot). But if you're expecting a stupid film, I'm sorry, you're getting a boring one as well.

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