Sunday, March 4, 2012

Act of Valor


I have to give some props to the recognition of the heroic actions of the Navy Seals. But this was an insulting way to go about the recognition of their acts. To have real Navy Seals be put into this cliche, obnoxiously predictable, terribly written script is annoying. The villains were better actors than the heroes. The lines were cutout standard action lines. You can tell from the first 15 minutes who's gonna die. The technology that was supposed to be all real was definitely there. But unfortunately, Hollywood's been doing a decent job. We've seen every form of technology that was used in other movies. The tactics were exactly the same as well. There were no surprises, nothing great to look at. I know that that's partially the point, that the real technology isn't Hollywooded up, but at the same time the technology in the movie was bragged about as if it was something really cool. Instead it was underwhelming. It's a shame. I'd have loved to see real Navy Seals perhaps narrate a story reenacted by Hollywood actors. That would have been a lot of fun, and really interesting to boot.

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