Sunday, June 24, 2012

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

File:Seeking a Friend for the End of the World Poster.jpg 


I was so happy with how this came out. Granted, it's a smidge sappy and has a few WTF moments, but what it loses in sense it absolutely makes up for in a sweet, silly, fun and beautiful story. Steve Carell has a perfect sweetness and humor whenever he speaks, allowing us to love him from his first lines. The movie handles its story extremely well has a comedy and as an exploration of the mentality of people approaching the end of the world, while still treating itself as a funny adventure between the two leads. Great parodies of end of the world mentality mixed with believable desperate attitudes mix together flawlessly, and allow us to laugh and cry when appropriate. Rotten Tomatoes has this scored around the 50's for "jarring tonal differences" and a "disappointing final act". Are you joking? The tonal differences are seamless to me, simply understood by accepting the mentality of Steve Carell's character and where he needs to go and what he has to do. This was a really great movie, and I'm so happy it didn't disappoint.

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