Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Magic Mike


Not that I saw this movie. I didn't. Why would I see a movie about male strippers. That's silly. You're silly...but if I DID see it, I'd have to say it's exactly what you'd expect from Steven Soderbergh based on his last two movies, Haywire and Contagion. First of all, there was barely any stripping, especially compared to what you'd expect from a movie about male strippers. Second of all, there was no PLOT. I swear to god the first hour and 15 minutes or so were completely pointless. It was as if he wanted spend all of the movie focusing on nothing but the strippers lives outside of the strip club, and then maybe in the last 25 minutes or so cram in this story about drugs and personal epiphanies or something silly like that, it was some super forced writing. The cast really gave 100% but with such a pointless story that it really didn't help at all. It had that super slow pace but not from care or patience with a story, but rather to focus on complete pointlessness to draw out character traits. The style came through, but with really no substance to back it up it was fruitless. And I talked to a bunch of girls who did go solely to see stripping muscular men who were seriously disappointed with the surprising lack of it. So, it looks like this movie will disappoint people more than they thought it will. Good thing I didn't see it. Ya know, it would be STUPID for me to see a movie about male strippers...

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