Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ice Age: Continental Drift


This was just riddled with problems. While I never really enjoyed the Ice Age movies, I had some respect for the first one. It was a standard but nice story, I liked the characters fine, and for a kids movie it actually had a lot of respect for scientific accuracy. More than you'd think, anyway. This completely throws out any scientific accuracy for an obnoxiously cliche story, annoying characters, and blatant lack of care for any originality whatsoever. It's called "Continental Drift" but it's about pirates? And even for a kids movie, you honestly expect me to believe that every time an iceberg is knocked off it happens to be in the perfect shape of a boat? You also expect us to believe that one insane animal can throw all of the food off of the ship...and you don't remotely care? There's a GIANT FRICKIN CLIFF ABOUT TO PUSH ALL OF YOU TO YOUR DOOM...and all you freakin care about is the STUPID HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? You expect me to be afraid of a pirate captain that is beaten at every opportunity, from the start to the end with no discernible strengths whatsoever? I can go on. There's also way too much focus on Scrat...and what's worse, every scene with Scrat...WAS A TRAILER. That's right, every one of the trailers was a scene in the movie! Ridiculous, lazy, and annoying. The most that can be said about this movie is a really great short at the beginning, starring the Simpsons. But of course, skip this movie. Rent it for the short.

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