Saturday, February 4, 2012

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close


This was bad. Like, bad. I'll say it. The only emotion out of this film comes from the 9/11 point. And it's either pushed forward to the point that it's annoying that its forcing us to feel emotion from an already obvious source, and moreso it felt suppressed to the point that it lost any sense of importance. The fact that this choppy screenplay, static direction, mediocre performed movie was nominated for an Oscar for no other reason than it's 9/11 content. The kid was really great, we've seen a great spout of performances from children this year. But Sandra Bullock seemed to have no idea what she wanted her character to be in the movie. She was a mess, her interactions with the kid seemed so forced and trying to be emotional. I'm pretty sure she didn't actually cry, too. It's bad, and it's a shame because I hear wonderful things about the book.

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