Monday, August 20, 2012



I really enjoyed this. It was one of my top anticipations for the year. Think about it. A stop motion zombie movie. Doesn't that just sound AWESOME?! I loved the Norman character, vulnerable but strong willed, and easily likable. I wish we could have seen more of Neil, his only friend, but the supporting characters as a whole were a ton of fun to follow. The premise is frightening, sweet, silly, and emotional. The turns this movie takes are rather interesting to follow, and it's really cool how it deviates from standard horror movie plots. The scares are actually frightening too! There's lots of really great imagery and moments that make you gasp, not out of shock but out of thoughtful fear. It's what I miss in a lot of movies, and it's welcome here. There's a plot hole here and there that prevent me from thinking of it as brilliance, and I really wanted it to be longer with more of a secondary plot thread, but it really made me think a lot and had me tearing up. Check it out!

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