Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Watch


I mean...I dunno. I was expecting a lot worse? I know I've been super behind on my trailer screenings (its been a hectic month for me), but in summary, this movie was one that looked a lot better than I knew it was ever going to be. I liked the cast, it seemed like a nice silly premise, it seemed harmless enough. Then you start thinking about it and realize this is not going to be a good movie. But for a bad movie, it had me laugh a few times. Granted, this joke lacks a true sense of humor. It mostly finds its laughs in sperm, sex, and penis jokes. Those get old quick. But Jonah Hill has a lot of fun on screen, and it's already funny that his backstory includes rejection from the police force after he was in 21 Jump Street earlier this year. Everyone else was meh, but meh enough that it wasn't entirely boring. The aliens were fine, even if their whole destruction at the end was a little forced. The whole story was predictable but I don't think anyone's going into this looking for a new story. The motivation for the aliens kinda sucks, but then again so does the motivation to make this movie so what're you gonna do. I dunno. It's fine. If you like lots and lots of penis jokes and have the attention span and sense of humor of a middle schooler, you'll probably like it a lot more than I did. If you want something with smarts, you'll find a handful of genuine jokes in this, but don't get your hopes up for that many laughs.

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