Friday, August 24, 2012

The Odd Life of Timothy Green


Attention all people who suffer from lactose intolerance or any other form of dairy allergy - stay away from this movie. It really forces the cheese down your throat. I mean, my god. This is absurd. First of all, the premise. Second of all, the framing device. Third of all...EVERYTHING ELSE. Some absurdly forced negative lines toward adopted children (for anyone reading this who doesn't know it, I'm adopted. Negative notions towards adopted children don't fly with me), an absurd suspension of disbelief about every 5 seconds, and being forced to like such a detestable character. The boy PHOTOSYNTHESIZES. That's right, he stands out in the sun and PHOTOSYNTHESIZES. THATS RIDICULOUS. And it raises more questions - why did he eat the cookie in the beginning?! That's right, there's something in this movie that made an 8 year old kid eating a cookie unrealistic. An absolutely ridiculous demonstration of how adoption works in this country, a forced romance with no dramatic tension whatsoever, stupid portrayals of how middle school kids act, the obnoxiously predictable tongue in cheek "oops" moments, the fact that this entire story, or at least the first half of it, took place in the span of maybe a few days...GOD. The idea that a boy loses his leaves...did those words come out of my mouth!? How about that a boy can't kick a soccer ball. It's not like he had any mental deficiency that severely hindered his motor skills or a sever medical disability, i've NEVER seen a young boy with the inability to kick a soccer ball. How come his leaves couldn't be removed?! YOU CAN TAKE LEAVES OFF OF A TREE. IT WORKS. GO TRY IT. I can go on. And on. And on. AND ON. Forget this movie. GO SEE SPARKLE. I skipped sparkle thinking that this would be better. OHHH boy.

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