Thursday, January 19, 2012

Green Lantern


For such a large budget, the film looked cheap. the CGI felt lazy and the suit when he was flying was clearly a CGI suit with his head on top - it didnt feel like much of an improvement from the days of the earlier Superman movies. The powers that he had were creative and were decently exploited, but also a bit ridiculous (the first way you think to bring down a crashing helicopter is a childs toy car racetrack?), and underdeveloped for other aliens - since Hal is using human tech, i'd love to see more of what aliens think of to use. Parallax is a great looking and acting villain, but how is it that Hal was able to bring him down at the end, in an incredibly unsatisfying and anticlimactic fight? Was he really that much more special than the team of lanterns that fought earlier in the movie? We don't see anything special. And most of all, after the fight when the three lanterns are there to meet him after he fights...why weren't they there sooner? Clearly they were there with enough time to calmly pull him out of the gravitational pull of a nearby star, why not help him fight? Is it REALLY that big of a deal that he fight Parallax alone knowing that he had already killed at least 5 lanterns? Conclusion - characters were weak, plot devices were weak, great powers were handled weakly, and the CGI and "effects" were incredibly weak, mixed with an incredibly weak cast of characters and pretty forgettable acting make my favorite superhero look pretty lame. Still, some of the fights are worth watching and some of the ways that Lantern's powers are used are pretty creative, so it wasn't a waste of time, just a waste of money knowing I could have seen it on a Tuesday for free.

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